The peculiarity of these 5 liter kegs is that they don't need dispenser machine. 

Place the keg for 8 hours in a fridge, and your beer is ready to be served, as it is served in the pubs!

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Delirium Red 5L IPS Keg

Delirium Red is a Belgian fruit beer produced by the Huyghe Brewery, renowned for its iconic pink elephant logo. This beer is a variant of the well-known Delirium Tremens and is characterized by its deep red color and rich, sweet cherry flavor. Brewed with a blend of dark malts, Delirium Red boasts a moderate alcohol content, typically around 8%, delivering a balanced and fruity profile. The beer is often praised for its complex taste, blending the sweetness of cherries with subtle notes of almond and spice. Delirium Red is commonly enjoyed for its unique combination of traditional Belgian brewing techniques and innovative fruit infusion, making it a distinctive and popular choice among beer enthusiasts worldwide.
(4,3/5) on 4 rating(s)